Johannes Dyck

Johannes Dyck

Museum of Russian-German Cultural History, Detmold (Germany), research fellow

Institute of Theology and History at Bibelseminar Bonn (Germany), research fellow

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Faculteit Religie en Theologie, PhD student

ORCID: 0000-0002-4258-5022


Publications and Conference Papers


61. “The Boundaries of Legality as an Approach to the Study of Soviet Religious Policy: The Case of Evangelical Christians-Baptists” in Religious Life in the Late Soviet Union: From Survival to Revival (1960s–1980s), Barbara Martin and Nadezhda Beliakova (eds.) Abingdon: Routledge, 2024, 76-88.


– "Culture of Rememberance of the Russian-German Free Churches in the Long Shadow of the Gulag". European Mennonite Students of Theology Meeting, 13-16 April, Museum of Russian-German Cultural History, Detmold.

– "Freikirchliche Aussiedler und Spätaussiedler aus der ehemaligen Sowjetunion und die Rolle des Glaubens bei deren Integration" [Free Church Aussiedler and Spätaussiedler from the former Soviet Union and the role of faith in their integration]. "Glaube und Kirche als Heimatort in der erzwungenen Heimatlosigkeit und als geschützter Identitätsraum in der Heimat". Internationale wissenschaftliche Fachtagung, 27-30 April, Fulda.

– "Soviet Religious Policy and Mennonite Concerns in the 1920s". "The Russlaender Mennonites: War, Dislocation, and New Beginnings". International Conference, July 14-15, Winnipeg University.

– "'I Drew Árpád Arder's Attention to the Fact That He Is a Citizen of the Soviet Union': A Citizen of the World within the Confines of Estonia". "Dis-/connecting the World: Subjectivities, Networks, and Transcultural Encounters Across Cold War Boundaries". International Conference, October 5-6, Bielefeld University.


60. “MCC and the Iron Curtain: Serving the Mennonite Family in the USSR after the Second World War” in Journal of Mennonite Studies 40 (2022), 57-71.


59. “K istorii ponjatijnogo apparata jazyka opisanija svobodnych cerkvej v Zapadnoj Evrope i Rossii” [On the History of the Conceptual Apparatus of the Language of Description of Free Churches in Western Europe and Russia] in Burnaševa A.A., Davydov I.P., Dik J. i dr. MAGNUM IGNOTUM. T.3: Istorija ponjatij. (K 15-letiju so dnja končiny Rajncharta Kozelleka) [Conceptual history. On the 15th anniversary of Reinhart Koselleck's death]. Pod obšč. red. I.P. Davydova i I.A. Fadeeva. Izd. 3-e, pererab. SPb: Izdatel'stvo RChGA, 2021, 92-143.

58. “Sergej Nikitovič Savinskij (1924–2021) i istoričeskoe samosoznanie evangel'skich christian-baptistov” [Sergej Nikitovič Savinskij (1924–2021) and the historical self-understanding of the Evangelical Christians-Baptists] in Rossijskij žurnal istorii Cerkvi [Russian Journal of Church History], 2021;2(2):18-38.

57. „Transformation der Identität und Traditionsüberlieferung in den Umbrüchen des 20. Jahrhunderts am Beispiel des deutschen freikirchlichen Milieus in der Sowjetunion“ [Transformation of Identity and Tradition Transmission in the Upheavals of the 20th Century Using the Example of the German Free Church Milieu in the Soviet Union] in Ežegodnik MAIIKRN [Yearbook of the International Association of Researchers of History and Culture of Russian Germans], 1(9) 2021, 133–143.

– Processy sekuljarizacii v istorii svobodnych cerkvej Zapadnoj Evropy XX-XXI vv. ["The Secularization Processes in the History of the Free Churches of Western Europe in the Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries."]. V Congress of Russian Researchers of Religion. St. Petersburg. State Museum of ther History of Religion. November 18-20, 2021. [planned]

– "MCC and the Iron Curtain: Serving the Mennonite Family in the USSR after World War II". "MCC at 100: Mennonites, Service, and the Humanitarian Impulse". A Virtual Mennonite Studies Conference. The University of Winnipeg. Sept. 30-Oct. 2, 2021.

– "The Boundaries of Legal as an Approach to the Study of Soviet Religious Policy." Workshop "Reinventing Religion: The Rise of Religious Sensibility in the late Soviet Union (1960s-1980s)". June 10-11, 2021. Universität Basel.


56. „Das Mennonitische Zentralkomitee (MCC) und die Mennoniten in der Sowjetunion während der 1950er Jahre“ [Mennonite Central Committee and Mennonites In Soviet Union during the 1950ies] in Mennonitische Geschichtsblätter, 2020, 103–127.

55. „Gemeindeverbände der freikirchlichen Russlanddeutschen heute“ [Church Associations of the Russian-Germans Today] in Angekommen?! Fünfzig Jahre freikirchliche Russlanddeutsche in Deutschland. Lage: Lichtzeichen, 2020, 224–253.


54. „Der russlanddeutsche freikirchliche Dissens in der sowjetischen Religionslandschaft“ [The Russian-German Free Church Dissent in the Soviet Religious Landscape] in V. Dönninghaus, A. Savin. Unter dem wachsamen Auge des Staates : Religiöser Dissens der Russlanddeutschen in der Breschnew-Ära. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz, 2019, 293–362.

53. “O tipologii christianskich religioznych soobščestv na primere mennonitov [On the Typology of Christian Religious Communities Using the Example of the Mennonites] in Sučasnі doslіdžennja z nіmeckoї іstorії: [Modern Studies in German History] zb. nauk. pr. N.V. Venger, ed. Dnіpro: Lіtograf, 2019, 12–16. DOI 10.15421/311901.

52. „Erneuerung unter dem Totalitarismus: Fallstudie zum mennonitischen Neuanfang in der Sowjetunion seit dem II. Weltkrieg“ [Renewal under Totalitarianism: Case Study of Mennonite New Beginnings in the Soviet Union since World War II] in Mennonitica Helvetica. Tagungsband des Kolloquiums „Erneuerungsbewegungen und Täufergeschichte“ vom 27. – 29. März 2019 auf dem Bienenberg, 42 (2019), 111–122.

51. “Kontury, detali i posledstvija sovetskoj religioznoj politiki poslednego stalinskogo desjatiletija na primere nemeckich baptistov i mennonitov” [Outline, details and effects of the Soviet religious policy of the last Stalinist decade using the example of the German Baptists and Mennonites] in Konfessional'naja politika sovetskogo gosudarstva v 1920 – 1950-e gody: Materialy XI Meždunarodnoj naučnoj konferencii. Velikij Novgorod, 11 – 13 oktjabrja 2018 g. [Confessional policy of the Soviet state in 1920-1950s : conference papers of the XI Internat. sc. Conf., Veliky Novgorod, Nov. 11-13, 2018.] Moskva: Političeskaja ėnciklopedija, 2019, 400–408.


50. “Mennonitskoe ėmigrantskoe soobščestvo Severnoj Ameriki i religioznaja politika Sovetskogo Sojuza”. Doklad na meždunarodnoj naučnoj konferencii “SSSR, Zapad i Vostok”. 27-28 nojabrja 2018 g. Moskva, Nacional'nyj issledovatel'skij universitet “Vysšaja škola ėkonomiki”. [The Mennonite Emigrant Community in North America and the Religious Policy of the Soviet Union. Paper presented at the internat. scient. conference “USSR, West and East”. Nov. 27-28, Higher School of Economics] Not published.

49. “Totalitarianism and Emergence of Free Church Dissent: German Baptist and Mennonite Congregations in the USSR, 1942–1966” in Baptistic Theologies 10 (2018), 84–96.

48. “Missionerskaja strategija rannego južnorusskogo baptizma (1860–1887)” [Mission Strategy of the Early South Russian Baptism (1860-1887)] in Missija v evro-aziatskom prostranstve [Mission in Euro-Asiatic Space]. Sankt-Peterburg: Biblejskaja kafedra, 2018, 109–129.

47. “The Migration Narrative of Heinrich Wölk, a Karaganda Church Elder” in Journal of Mennonite Studies 36 (2018), 197–207.

46. „Migration – der Kreis schließt sich: Mennonitische Rückwanderung aus der UdSSR in die Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1972 – 2002“ [Migration - Becoming a Full Circle: Mennonite Return Migration from the USSR to the Federal Republic of Germany 1972 - 2002] in Mennonitische Geschichtsblätter 2018, 115–130.

45. "Karl Ondra – vydajuščijsja nemeckij baptistskij propovednik na Volyni” [Karl Ondra - Prominent German Baptist Preacher in Volhynia] in Reformacija ta poširennja protestantizmu na Volini, Materiali Mižnarodnoj naukovo-praktičnoj konferencij, 26–27 žovtnja 2017 r. [Reformation and Expansion of Protestantism in Volhynia. Proceedings of the Internat. scient.-pract. conf. Sept, 26-27th, 2017], Luc’k: Tverdinja, 2018, 205–216.


44. “O sekuljarizacii i transformacii identičnosti rossijskich mennonitov” [On Secularisation and Identity Transformation of Mennonites in Russia] in Pytannja nimez’koj istorii : Sbirnyk naukowych praz’, [Issues in German History: Collection of Papers] Dnipro: RWW DNU, 2017, 50–54.

43a. „Mennoniten in der Sowjetunion nach 1917“ [Mennonites in Soviet Union after 1917] in Mennonitisches Lexikon Bd. V (

43b. „[Mennoniten in] Bielefeld und Umgebung“ [Mennonites in Bielefeld and Surrounding Area] in Mennonitisches Lexikon Bd. V (

42. U kolybeli bratstva: Iogann Viler (1839–1889) i obščiny pervych evangel’skich verujuščich v Rossii. Steinhagen: Samenkorn, 2017 [Transl. of the MTh-Diss.  (2007) into Russian].

41. „Täufer in Köln“ [Anabaptists in Cologne] in BSB-Journal 1 (2017) 21–36.

40. “Na perekrestkach very i kul'tur: muzykal'naja tradicija nemeckich evangel'skich obščin Rossii i Sovetskogo Sojuza” ["At the Crossroads of Faith and Culture: The Musical Tradition of German Evangelical Communities in Russia and Soviet Union".] in Živoe nasledie: sbornik statej [Living Legacy: A Collection of Articles]. Moskva: Christianskij centr „Logos“, 2017, 52–70.

39. “Migratie als het sluiten van de cirkel : De terugkeer naar Duitsland van mennoniten uit de Sovjet-Unie in de periode 1972 tot 2002” [Migration as the closing of the circle : The return to Germany of Mennonites from the Soviet Union in the period 1972 to 2002] in Doopsgezinde Bijdragen, nieuwe reeks, 43 (2017), 135–151.

38. “Mennonity Severnoj Ameriki i SSSR v seredine 1950-ch godov: malen'kie ljudi i bol'šaja politika” [Mennonites of North America and the USSR in the mid-1950s: Small People and Big Politics] in Gosudarstvo, religija, Cerkov' v Rossii i za rubežom [State, Religion, and Church in Russia and Worldwide] 1(35) 2017, 123–146. DOI 10.22394/2073-7203-2017-35-1-123-146.

37. „Gemeinden russlanddeutschen Ursprungs : Versuch einer Gemeindestatistik 30 Jahre nach der Öffnung der UdSSR-Grenzen“ [Churches of Russian-German origin : an attempt of church statistics 30 years after the opening of the USSR borders] in BSB-Journal 2 (2017), 22–27.


36. “Mennonites as Catalytic Agents in Free Church History in Russia and the Soviet Union” in European Mennonites and the Challenge of Modernity over Five Centuries: Contributors, Detractors, and Adapters. Mark Jantzen, Mary S. Sprunger, John D. Thiesen (Hgg.). North Newton, KS: Bethel College, 2016, 249–261.

35. An der Wiege der Bruderschaft: Johann Wieler (1839–1889) und die Gemeinschaften der frühen evangelischen Christen in Russland. Lage: Lichtzeichen, 2016 [Transl. of the MTh-Diss.  (2007) into German].


34. „Vergessenes Vorbild: der russlanddeutsche baptistische Prediger Karl Ondra (1839–1887)“ [Forgotten example: the Russian-German Baptist preacher Karl Ondra (1839-1887)] in BSB-Journal 2 (2015) 6–15.

33. “Missija evangel'skich cerkvej v SSSR. Meždu tjur'moj i svobodoj (1929–1987)” [Mission of the evangelical churches in USSR. Between prison and freedom (1929-1987)] in Novye gorizonty missii. [New mission horizons] P. Penner et al., Hg., Tscherkassy: Kollokvium, 2015, 206–212.

32. “Bol'šinstvo v roli men'šinstva: nemeckie baptisty Volyni v kontekste rossijskogo i sovetskogo nemeckogo baptistskogo dviženija” [Majority as a Minority: Volhynia's German Baptists in the Context of the Russian and Soviet German Baptist Movement] in Nimzi w istorii Wolini: Materialy Mishnarodnoj naukowo-praktytschnoj konferenzii, Luz’k, 1–2 showtnja 2015 r. [Germans in the History of Volhynia: Proceedings of an internat. scient.-pract. conf. Luck, Oct. 1-2nd, 2015] Luz’k: Twerdynja, 2015. 259–266.


31. „Zwischen Brüderschaft und Brüderlichkeit: Über russlanddeutsche Gemeinden in der BRD in den vergangenen 40 Jahren“ [Between Brotherhood and Brethrenship: About Russian-German Communities in the FRG in the Past 40 Years] in BSB-Journal 2 (2014), 28–47.

30. “Istoričeskie korni i sootnošenie konfessional'nych i ėtničeskich granic v mennonitskoj identičnosti v SSSR” [The Historical Roots and the Correlation of Confessionaland Ethnic Elements within Mennonite Identity in the USSR] in Gosudarstvo, religija, Cerkov' v Rossii i za rubežom [State, Religion, and Church in Russia and Worldwide] 4/32 (2014), 275–294.

29. „Geschichte der deutschen Evangeliumschristen-Baptisten in Kasachstan“ [History of German Evangelical Christians-Baptists in Kazakhstan] in Gedenkbuch Kasachstan. [Rememberance Book Kazakhstan] Michael Wanner, Hg. Russlanddeutsche Zeitgeschichte, Bd, 13, Ausgabe 2015. Nürnberg: Hist. Verein der Deutschen aus Russland, 2014, 85–100.


28. „Evangelisation im großen Stil in Zentralasien“ [Grand scale evangelisation in Central Asia] in BSB-Journal 1 (2013) 19–23.


27. “Root of Dry Ground: Revival Patterns in the German Free Churches in the USSR after World War II” in Journal of Mennonite Studies 30 (2012), 97–112.

26. „Geistesverwandtschaft, Gleichartigkeit, Gemeinsamkeit: Die Mennoniten-Brüdergemeinde als Teil des freikirchlichen Spektrums im Lande der Entstehung“ [Spiritual affinity, sameness, commonality: the Mennonite Brethren Church as part of the Free Church spectrum in the land of its origin] in In Gott leben wir, bestehen wir und sind wir: 150 Jahre Mennoniten-Brüdergemeinden : Beiträge des Geschichtssymposiums in Oerlinghausen, Deutschland. [In God we live, we exist, and we are: 150 years of Mennonite Brethren Church : contributions of the history symposium in Oerlinghausen.] John N. Klassen, Johann Matthies, Hg., Lage: Lichtzeichen, 2012, 95–111.

25. “Anabaptistskoe semja na rossijskoj počve. Istoričeskij očerk.” [Anabaptist Seed on Russian Soil] in Menno Simons i anabaptisty. [Menno Simons und the Anabaptists] S.V. Sannikov, Hg. Steinhagen: Samenkorn, 2012, 99–139.


24. “War, Revolution & Cold War Upheavals in Eastern and Western Europe” in Mission Focus: Annual Review. Mirror on Globalization of Mennonite Witness 19 (2011), 140–148.

23. “Vsplesk svobody: 1905 god v istorii svobodnych cerkvej Rossii v teologičeskoj perspektive” [A Burst of Freedom: 1905 in the History of the Free Churches of Russia in Theological Perspective] in 105 let legalizacii russkogo baptizma: Materialy meždunarodnoj naučno-praktičeskoj konferencii. [105 Years of legalization of Russian Baptism: proceedings of an internat. scient. and pract. conf.] Moskva: 2011, 91–94.

22a. „Engbrecht, Peter““ in Mennonitische Lexikon Bd. V (

22b. „Friesen, Abram“ in Mennonitische Lexikon Bd. V (

22c. „Klassen, David“ in Mennonitische Lexikon Bd. V (

22d. „Matthies, Wilhelm“ in Mennonitische Lexikon Bd. V (

22e. „Pätkau, David“ in Mennonitische Lexikon Bd. V (

22f. „Wieler, Johann“ in Mennonitische Lexikon Bd. V (

22g. „Wölk, Heinrich“ in Mennonitische Lexikon Bd. V (

21. „Johann Kargel und der Weg zu seiner Auslegung der Offenbarung“ [Johann Kargel and his way to his interpretation of Revelation] in BSB-Journal 2 (2011) 25–33.

20. “Elements of Post-Gulag Mennonite Theology: View of an Eyewitness” in History and Mission in Europe: Continuing the Conversation, Mary Raber and Peter F. Penner (eds.) Schwarzenfeld: Neufeld, 2011, 199–212.

19. “Aspekty edinstva v period vozniknovenija evangel'sko-baptistskogo bratstva” [Aspects of Unity in the Emergence of the Evangelical Baptist Brotherhood] in Vitčynjanyj ėvanhel's'kyj protestantysm: istorija, dosvid, problemy, [Domestic evangelical Protestantism: history, experience, problems] A.Kolodnyj, O.Panych (eds.), Ukraïns'ke religiėznavstvo [Ukrainian Science of Religion] 58 (2011), 60–70.


18. „Die Mennoniten Brüdergemeinde in Russland und der ehemaligen Sowjetunion“ [Mennonite Brethren Church in Russia and the former Soviet Union] in Celebrating 150 Years: Die Mennoniten-Brüdergemeinden in aller Welt, Abe J. Dueck (Hg.), Kitchener: Pandora Press, 2010, 179–204.


17. “Zavisimost' nezavisimosti: obščina v žizni evangel'skogo bratstva Rossii v period ego stanovlenija (1870 – 1887)” [The Dependence of Independence: The Congregation in the Life of the Evangelical Brotherhood in Russia during its Formation Period (1870-1887)] in Avtonomija pomestnoj cerkvi: sbornik dokladov. Materialy pervogo Simpoziuma “Vzaimootnošenija pomestnoj cerkvi i sojuza 6–7 dekabrja 2007 g. Kievskaja cerkov' ‘Dom Evangelija’” [Authonomy of the Local Church: Collection of papeers. Proceedings of the first symposion "Relations of the Local Church Beziehungen and the Union. Dec. 6-7th, 2007. Kiev, Church 'House of the Gospel'"], Odessa, 2009, 275–284.

16. “Revival and Baptist Beginnings in Russia” in Baptist Theologies 1 (2009). Prague: IBTS, 14–22.


15. “Stanovlenie evangel'sko-baptistskogo bratstva v Rossii (1860–1887): novye fakty iz archiva V.A. Paškova i ich osmyslenie” [The Formation of the Evangelical-Baptist Brotherhood in Russia (1860-1887): New Facts from the Archive of V. A. Pashkov and their Comprehension] in Materialy Naučno-bogoslovskoj konferencii Rossijskogo Sojuza evangel'skich christian-baptistov “140 let rossijskomu baptizmu. Prošloe, nastojaščee, perspektivy”, Moskva, 18–19 oktjabrja 2007 g. [Proceedings of the scient.-theol. conf. of the Russian Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists “140 years of Russian Baptism. Past, present, and perspectives”] Moskva: Rossijskij Sojuz EChB, 2008, 7–23.

14. Drei Artikel in John H.Y. Briggs (gen. ed.), A Dictionary of European Baptist Life and Thought, Studies in Baptist History and Thought, 33. Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2008.


13. “Sut' glavnych religioznych konfliktov v Rossii vo vtoroj polovine XIX veka: vzgljad iznutri” [The essence of the main religious conflicts in Russia in the second half of the 19th century: an inside view] in Voprosy germanskoj istorii. Nemcy Ukrainy i Rossii v konfliktach i kompromissach XIX–XX vekov. Materialy meždunarodnoj naučnoj konferencii, Dnepropetrovsk, 24–27 sentjabrja 2007 g. [Questions of German History. Germans of Ukraine and Russia in conflicts and compromises of the 19 and 20 century. Proceedings of the internat. scient. conf. Dnepropetrovsk, Sept. 24-27, 2007] Dnepropetrovsk: Porogi, 2007. 108–118.

12. “Rebirth in the Valley of Shadow: Churches of Ethnic Germans in Kazachstan after World War II”, in Journal of European Baptist Studies 1 (2007), Vol. 8, 38–55.

11. Moulding the Brotherhood: Johann Wieler (1839–1889) and the Communities of the Early Evangelicals in Russia. MTh diss. Prague: IBTS, 2007.

10. “Fresh Skins for New Wine: On the Structure of the First Russian Baptist Congregations in South Russia” in Eastern European Baptist History: New Perspectives. Prague: International Baptist Theological Seminary, 2007, 34–51. [Nachdruck von Theological Reflections 6 (2006) 114–128]


9. „David Pätkau“, Kurzbiografie in „Ihr Ende schaut an…” : Evangelische Märtyrer des 20. Jahrhunderts. [„Consider their end…” : evangelical martyrs of the 20 century] Leipzig : Ev. Verlagsanstalt, 2006.

8. “Fresh Skins for New Wine: On the Structure of the First Russian Baptist Congregations in South Russia”, Theological Reflections 6 (2006) 114–128.


7. “Revival as Church Restoration: Patterns of a Revival Among Ethnic Germans in Central Asia after World War II” in Mission in the Former Soviet Union, Walter W. Sawatsky and Peter F. Penner, eds. Schwarzenfeld: Neufeld, 2005, 74–93. [Nachdruck von transformation Vol 21, 2 (July 2004), 174–180]


6. “Revival as Church Restoration: Patterns of a Revival Among Ethnic Germans in Central Asia after World War II”, in transformation Vol 21, 2 (July 2004), 174–180.


5a. Istorija evangel'skich christian-baptistov v SSSR. [History of the Evangelical Christians-Baptists in USSR, editor] Moskva: Vsesojuznyj sovet evangel'skich christian-baptistov, 1989.

5b. “Christiane very evangel'skoj” [Christians of Evangelical Faith (Pentecostals)] in Istorija evangel'skich christian-baptistov v SSSR.. Moskva: Vsesojuznyj sovet evangel'skich christian-baptistov, 1989. 397-408.

5c. “Menonitskoe bratstvo” [Mennonite Brotherhood] in Istorija evangel'skich christian-baptistov v SSSR. Moskva: Vsesojuznyj sovet evangel'skich christian-baptistov, 1989, 409-437.


4. “Menonity” in Bratskij vestnik 2 (1985), 45–49.


3. “Anabaptism” in Bratskij vestnik 2 (1984), 52–58.

1976 – 1978

1-2. Two acad. papers on applied mathematics and computer science.